[bsdcan-announce] 2 weeks left!

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Thu Apr 27 16:30:01 UTC 2006

Yes, it's two weeks to go until BSDCan 2006!  In just 14 days, people 
will be gathering at the pub for lunch, and registration will be 
opening at the Royal Oak!

In this announcement:

Timetable changes
Lunch - location
Dinner - locations


There have been three slight changes to the timetable:

- The registration desk on Friday will now open 8:30, instead of 
9:00.  Note that most people pick up their registration packs on 
Thursday at the Royal Oak.  Avoid the queues on Saturday morning, and 
have a drink at the pub instead.
- At 9:00 am on Friday there will be an all conference assembly.  
You'll want to be there!  We'll be giving prizes away, but you must 
be in to win.  Speakers for this assembly will be announced at a 
later date.
- The registration desk on Saturday morning opens at 9:30 instead of 

LUNCH - locations

Last year was our first year at SITE.  Many people went to the ZAM 
pub, right across the road.  Given the proximity to the conference, 
we've made arrangements have a buffet ready for you.  Of course, if 
in the unlikely event you don't like what you see on the buffet 
table, you will be able to order off the menu.  The buffet will be 
the fast way to get your grub and get back on time.  No, we're not 
paying for your lunch.  :)


In previous years, we've always had one location where everyone went. 
This year, as much as we hesitate to change a successful formula, we 
are going to recommend a few dining establishments and let the groups 
form by themselves.  The list will be in your registration pack.


Coffee and water will be available in the lobby before the first talk 
of each day.  It will be refreshed for the afternoon break.  There is 
also a small cafe on the main floor just up from the conference.  In 
previous years, it has been closed on Saturday.

Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume: http://www.freebsddiary.org/dan_langille.php

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