[bsdcan-announce] BSDCan 2008 - only a few weeks to go

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Wed Apr 9 10:56:22 EDT 2008


In this email:

    - coming soon
    - sponsors
    - map

Coming Soon:

There are only a few weeks to go until BSDCan 2008.  I hope
you've made your travel bookings.  If you are coming in from
other than USA or Canada, we can provide you with a Letter
of Invitation after you have registered and paid.  This letter
can help you if you need to apply for  visa.

We have an amazing line up of talks and speakers.  Full
details here:  http://www.bsdcan.org/2008/schedule/


The preparations are well underway.  We've had tremendous support
from our sponsors:

  The FreeBSD Foundation
  Juniper Networks

For more about our sponsors, please see http://www.bsdcan.org/2008/


This year we have added a Google map of the venue
and surrounding area.  It is available from the home
page of http://bsdcan.org/ or from http://tinyurl.com/2lzthw

People keep telling me how much they're looking forward
to BSDCan.  So much so that we've alerted the pubs.

Dan Langille -- http://www.langille.org/
dan at langille.org

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