[bsdcan-announce] Saturday - the tourist stuff

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Fri May 14 20:19:11 BST 2010

This is one option for Saturday. You are free to come with us or take 
part in all or some activities.  Or make your own way around...

The agenda for the tourist day 

The forecast: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAON0512

Cora's - 8 AM - Breakfast
  - we'll be in the back room.
  - 179 Rideau Street - http://bit.ly/dngpnV
  - if you arrive much past 8:30, you probably won't get
    through in time to get to the next meeting point
  - we will depart Cora's at 9:10

National Memorial - 9:30 - meeting point
  - assemble at the north (Parliament Hill) side of the memorial
  - We will depart at about 9:45 AM

Parliament Hill
  - tours take about an hour or so
  - All visitors to Parliament are required to go through security
    scanning stations.  Leave those 'items' at home.
  - http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Sites/LOP/Visitors/centerblock-e.asp

Lunch - not sure when or where....

War Museum
  - http://www.warmuseum.ca/
  - admission is $12
  - The group rate applies to groups of 20 people or more. : $8

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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