[bsdcan-announce] Residence full - try Les Suites

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Wed Apr 23 19:52:01 BST 2008

The on-campus accommodation is full.

If you have already booked your room and are looking for a room mate, I 
suggest making yourself known at http://www.bsdcan.org/phorum/list.php?f=6

If you are looking for a room, try Les Suites.  They are close by and 
have a block set aside for us.  See this URL for booking codes and phone 
numbers:  http://www.bsdcan.org/2007/travel.php

I suggest putting 2 or 4 into a room at Les Suites.  It's the same 
price.  See details at the above URL.

Dan Langille

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