[bsdcan-announce] BSDCan - two weeks to go!

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Mon Apr 28 17:59:04 BST 2008


In this announcement:

  - Countdown
  - Accommodation
  - bring a cable
  - Sponsors


BSDCan 2008 starts in two weeks.  By this time in a fortnight,
the people for the tutorials will have arrived.    I also want to  
that the FreeBSD DevSummit has more than 80 people invited
this year.


If you have not already booked your accommodation for BSDCan 2008
chances are, you will not be able to stay on campus.  By all means,
call them and ask, but most people have been getting "no vacancy".

Not to worry.  We have you covered.  There is nearby accommodation,
and it's not much more expensive than residence.

Les Suites have two deals for us:
One bedroom suite, one bed, one fold-out bed. $149 a night plus taxes  
(1-2 persons)
Two bedroom suite, three beds, one fold-out bed. $209 a night plus  
taxes (1-4 persons)

Phone and use the booking code: BSDCan2008
1 800 267-1989 (Canada/US toll free)
+1 613 232-2000

See http://www.bsdcan.org/2008/travel.php for details and see our  
home page
for a Google map showing all the local amenities.

There are other nearby hotels as well, but Les Suites is closest.

If you have difficulty finding accommodation, please let us know and  
try to help.  If you're looking to share a room, try here:



Even if your laptop has wireless, bring a cable. If you're staying in  
residence, you'll
need a cable to connect to their network.  Better still, bring your  
own WAP and use

You might also find an extension cord useful so you don't have to sit  
to a power plug.


Thanks to our sponsors:

   The FreeBSD Foundation
   Juniper Networks
   BSD Perimeter

Dan Langille -- http://www.langille.org/
dan at langille.org

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