[bsdcan-volunteers] Audio Recordings

Brodey Dover doverosx at gmail.com
Tue May 1 18:31:27 UTC 2012

Count me in!
On May 1, 2012 12:32 PM, "Dan Langille" <dan at langille.org> wrote:

> Here is a good volunteer task.
> Each talk is recorded to CD.  That audio needs to be converted to a low
> bit-rate, and uploaded to http://www/bsdcan.org/, then linked from the
> schedule.
> This is the type of thing you can do 'in your spare time'.  i.e. there is
> much more time spent waiting for the software to convert the audio, upload
> the file, etc than there is actually doing the work.
> In the past, I've used my Macbook for this, and let iTunes change the bit
> rate.  You can use whatever you want.  Ideally, we're looking for a 45-60
> minute audio file of about 55MB, more or less.
> Volunteers? Speak up here, and Scott will assign you delicate tasks.
> --
> Dan Langille - http://langille.org
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