[bsdcan-volunteers] Work that needs volunteers

Michael W. Lucas mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com
Thu Dec 12 22:12:17 UTC 2013


Thanks for joining this mailing list. There's a bunch of work what
needs doing.

If you look at
http://wiki.bsdcan.org/doku.php?id=bsdcan_2014_volunteers, you'll find
a list of jobs. If you're interested, or have ideas, please speak up

On behalf of the BSDCan conference committee, thank you for your help.


Michael W. Lucas  -  mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com, Twitter @mwlauthor 
http://www.MichaelWLucas.com/, http://blather.MichaelWLucas.com/
Absolute OpenBSD 2/e - http://www.nostarch.com/openbsd2e
coupon code "ILUVMICHAEL" gets you 30% off & helps me.

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