[bsdcan-volunteers] Oracle BSDCan 2014 volunteering and support from the CSSA-AÉi & uO.CSClub

Brodey Dover doverosx at gmail.com
Sun Apr 13 04:09:33 UTC 2014

You'll want to get in touch with Dan Langille. I remember years back,
seeing a poster or two about BSDCAN and that's what got me into the

On the ESS we asked professors to jump into their classes and asked for
five minutes. That's how we advertised.
On Apr 12, 2014 9:50 PM, "Andréas Kaytar-LeFrançois" <akayt081 at uottawa.ca>

> Hello,
> I'm inquiring about volunteering for the BSDCan this year, what procedures
> are there to get involved? Who can I talk with?
> I'm also wondering if somebody could point me to who's in charge of
> publicity, as I'm a member of the University of Ottawa's Computer Science
> Students Association and the uO.CSClub and could do some publicity
> on/around campus to get some students involved.
> Thanks!
> *Andréas K.LeF.*
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